Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Home!

Kachina now has a new home in Huntsville. We really miss her, but know that she is well cared for. She is a horse that needs a job and she is really good at being a trail horse, sure footed and sturdy. She will live forever in our hearts and close to forever on this blog.  :)
(Update:  May, 2017.  She has another new home in central Utah.  Update:  June, 2019:  She now has a home in Herriman,Utah after a while near Bear Lake.  And still another update: 2020:  I understand she is now in Goshen, Utah and had a filly that looks just like her.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Grand Canyon Adventure...

She's only been ridden twice this year...then we decided to take her to Grand Canyon with us.  She did great and made some good strides in training...nothing like training on the job. Thankful that Wildbound was with us.  She and Cowboy Bob each rode her. Kachina did super, even barefoot.  Luckily the trails weren't terribly rocky.  We were able to get her a used saddle that fits her reasonably well.  It was purchased sight unseen and shipped from Texas, arriving 3 days before we left.  Thank goodness, we trust in the saddles of Dave Genadek.

(As usual, click on a photo to open an enlarged image.)

She gets lunch snack, too.  Check out those nasty thorny locusts in the foreground.  We had to be on attack alert, lest they nab us.

Now, this is the kind of trails we're talkin' about!  Soft...